7 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know About for 2022

By December 14, 2021 January 10th, 2024 Website Update
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Over the past couple of years, we’ve all been reminded time and time again of just how quickly things can change. The digital marketing industry is by no means exempt from this fluidity. In fact, digital marketing trends tend to vary quite a bit from year to year, requiring marketers and business owners to remain nimble.

So where are things headed in the year to come? It would be foolish to make any grand, sweeping predictions, but we can certainly speculate as to some of the trends that will prove most dominant in the new year.

7 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Define 2022

1) Short-form video will continue its rise.

Short-form video is everywhere these days; think Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, brief video snippets shared on Twitter, and of course the widely influential TikTok. Short-form videos are accommodating shrinking attention spans, tailor-made for social media trends. They tend to generate more shares than any other type of content, so expect to see even more of them as we enter 2022.

2) Influencer marketing will extend into B2B.

Influencer marketing campaigns provide context and relevance for a particular product, service, or brand, so it’s no surprise that this strategy has been gangbusters with B2C campaigns. But in the coming year, we think there will be a greater push for B2B brands to exploit the influencer space.

3) Privacy concerns will remain paramount

An increased emphasis on personal privacy has led to a sea change in digital marketing. With Google soon to phase out third-party ad collection, we foresee big changes in how people run their digital ad campaigns. And for website development, privacy notices and clearly stated cookie policies will be paramount.

4) LinkedIn will gain more traction.

Did you think that LinkedIn had become a fusty old relic of social media? Think again. LinkedIn continues to unveil exciting new features for businesses, resulting in larger and larger market shares for the longstanding professional networking titan. In the coming year, it’s going to be very valuable for companies to be actively posting on their LinkedIn pages.

5) The tie between SEO and UX will grow stronger.

Long gone are the days where you could achieve rankings success by gaming the system. There’s no way to keep up with the purported thousands of algorithm changes per year but providing a good user experience (UX) is the best guidance Google gives. A clean, responsive, website that is pleasing to the eye, easy to navigate, and updated with relevant content, will attract and keep viewers. Meeting searchers’ needs will naturally bolster your organic rankings on the search engine results page. We think that connection will become all the more important as we get deeper into the new year.

6) Experiences are going to matter more and more.

Customers and clients are increasingly driven by positive experiences with a business or brand. Creating that positive experience is an important step, but more than that, be sure you’re incentivizing customers to share their experience online. We’re talking about online reviews, and also promoting a business or brand on personal social media platforms.

7) Marketing will become more and more personalized.

Finally, we think that the emphasis on individualized experience will continue. Users are going to want to see their interests reflected in their search results, their ad preferences, their email marketing subscriptions, the content they read, and more. It’s never a bad thing to do some research, learn more about your customer base, and even craft individualized and personal messaging for specific audiences.

Stick with Us in 2022

No matter what the new year brings, we’re committed to keeping our clients in the loop, and providing cutting-edge website design and digital marketing services to help move your company forward. With any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Woland Web at your convenience.

Lena Lumelsky

Author Lena Lumelsky

Founder of Woland Web. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Lena had a successful career in Investment Banking IT. Lena holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.

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