Client Spotlight: Renaissance Executive Forums

By June 27, 2024 July 31st, 2024 Client Spotlight
Renaissance Executive Forum website shown on laptop, tablet and mobile phone

Running a business means learning new skills, adapting to new trends, and expanding your personal and professional horizons on an almost daily basis. That’s a tall order, especially when you’re going it alone. Thankfully, an organization called Renaissance Executive Forums provides opportunities for business leaders to learn from one another, sharing their knowledge and experience without any hidden agendas.

Here at Woland Web, we love the collaborative model that Renaissance Executive Forums upholds, which is why we were so excited when they reached out to us about designing a new website. We’re pleased with the work we did on their behalf. Take a look for yourself:

Renaissance Executive Forums embodies an attitude of “let’s help one another succeed.” We hope that, in some small way, we’ve been able to contribute to their success with this responsive website design. Our thanks to the entire Renaissance Executive Forums for entrusting us with this project!

Lena Lumelsky

Author Lena Lumelsky

Founder of Woland Web. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Lena had a successful career in Investment Banking IT. Lena holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.

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