Why Isn’t Anyone Coming to My Website?

Screen with SEO concept with person looking at the words "SEO" and charts with a magnifying glass

Imagine planning an elaborate dinner party, preparing an extensive menu, decorating your home… and then feeling utterly deflated when none of your guests arrive. That’s how some business owners feel when they invest money in developing a good website, only to find that they’re not getting any traffic.

There are plenty of reasons why a site might fail to attract visitors. By diagnosing the problem, you can potentially land on an effective remedy. Let’s take a closer look at some of the primary factors that can impede a website’s popularity.

Why is Nobody Visiting Your Site?

1) You’re not offering quality content.

You can’t expect anyone to visit your website if you don’t have anything valuable to offer them. To attract traffic, you’ll need to ensure meaningful content. This can include written content as well as video. The goal of your content should always be to provide substantive information that addresses some of the questions your users might be asking; in other words, think about the kinds of content that will provide relevant and authoritative answers to related search engine queries.

2) Your website takes too long to load.

Consumers don’t have vast amounts of time (or vast amounts of patience) to wait for your website to load. If it takes the site more than three or four seconds, you’re going to start hemorrhaging traffic. And once you get up to 10 seconds, your site might as well not exist at all.

3) Your website has an unappealing or un-useful design.

It’s possible to have decent content and robust performance, but bad design. For example, you could have too much text and not enough white space, overwhelming the eye. You could have garish color schemes that make the site difficult to read. You could have poor navigation that makes it tough for users to access the information they’re after. There are countless ways in which poor design could cause your bounce rate to soar.

4) You’ve neglected mobile first design.

Chances are that a majority of your traffic is going to come via mobile devices. If your site doesn’t work as well on mobile screens, anticipate seeing consistently low levels of engagement.

5) You’re not on social media.

The “if you build it, they will come” mentality simply doesn’t work for business websites. It’s imperative that you actively garner traffic by promoting your site on different platforms, including social media. Social media connectivity is a huge factor in generating website traffic.

6) Your site isn’t well-optimized.

Lack of traffic may be an SEO problem. If you have insufficient keyword use, inadequate metadata, or other on-site optimization lapses, your site will surely suffer.

7) You don’t have backlinks.

Still another potential problem is that your site doesn’t have any backlinks from relevant, authoritative websites in a related space. Backlinks can be huge traffic drivers, but more than that, they are important factors for improving SEO.

Take Steps Toward Improved Traffic

Determining the cause of your subpart traffic is an important first step. After that, it may benefit you to work with a website design company that can help you set things right. That’s where we come in. At Woland Web, we love building websites that convey professionalism and authority while generating plenty of visitors. To find out more about our website services, reach out at any time.

Lena Lumelsky

Author Lena Lumelsky

Founder of Woland Web. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Lena had a successful career in Investment Banking IT. Lena holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.

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