Blogging has been around for decades now, yet many business owners still operate under some very basic misunderstandings about what it is and why it matters.
A blog isn’t merely a kind of corporate diary, a place to highlight news, announcements, or upcoming products… though it certainly can accommodate those purposes.
With a more robust and comprehensive strategy, a business blog can establish your knowledge and authority, engage readers, boost traffic, and beyond. Blogging can even be a vital tool to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.
Still on the fence? Allow us to highlight just a few of the reasons why every business website should be equipped with a regularly updated blog.
Reasons to Include a Blog on Your Business Website
1) Blogs can generate traffic to your website.
One reason to blog is that it can potentially draw more eyeballs to your website, boosting your overall traffic numbers and increasing awareness of your brand.
This is especially true if you take the time to research your topics and write compelling, informative posts. For example, pretend like you own a plumbing company. You might write a blog post called “Safe Ways to Clear My Drains and Eliminate Clogs.” This may win you traffic from local homeowners who are dealing with back-ups and who may even be interested in enlisting your professional drain cleaning services.
2) Blogging can help you establish trust.
Before entrusting you with their business, customers naturally want to see some indication that you actually know what you’re doing.
A blog can provide proof of your expertise and thought leadership. Maybe you own a dental practice. Writing regular blog posts about how to avoid periodontal disease, or what to do in the event of tooth pain, can prove to customers that you have the knowledge required to help them.
3) Blogging can help you generate conversions.
Now, put the last two points together.
A blog can draw interested consumers to your website. And it can highlight your ability to address their concerns. Consider also that most people would rather give their hard-earned money to someone they know… or at least someone they feel like they know. Regular blogging can help you develop that sense of connection among your readers, potentially resulting not just in more traffic but in more sales conversions.
4) A business blog provides repurposable content for your other marketing channels.
One of the great things about a blog post is that it can usually be reworked for use across your other marketing channels. For example, the highlights of your blog post could be converted into an infographic, or even a series of tweets. You could use blog posts as jumping-off points for videos. You could share blogs on social media, and you could summarize them in your email newsletter.
In other words, a blog post is just the beginning. The long-tail value can potentially be quite high.
5) Blogging supports SEO.
Finally, remember that the Google algorithms are always eager to chow down on any fresh content you can provide. Having a business blog is a great way to ensure your website gets regular infusions of fresh, relevant information, while also offering more and more opportunities for you to populate the search engine results page (see point #1, above).
Consider a Comprehensive Approach to Digital Marketing
The bottom line: Website design, SEO, and digital marketing all work in tandem… and blogging can help tie everything together.
We’d love to tell you more about developing a comprehensive, holistic approach to marketing your business on the Web. Reach out to the team at Woland Web any time.